My R2 students start the term with three tokens for turning in any or all of a module (one week on the calendar) up to a week late and 3 cuts for missing group activities such as discussion boards in an online course--no questions asked, no grade penalty.

My hope is that this at least encourages them to be mindful of the practical limits to absenteeism.

After that, they definitely need to talk to me, not to explain themselves but because, by that point, we need a plan how they're going to catch up and possibly referrals to campus resources.

I had my awakening when I had two students in a row whose cultural definitions of family & responsibility ran afoul of the school's rigid policies on rescheduled exams. Both were stepping up for family in an admirable way (one was borderline heroic, IMO) and about to get punished for it. Made me rethink the whole thing.

And I've long felt that students' personal business was none of my beeswax unless they were asking for assistance.

I'll always regret that I started out 20 years ago at least as demanding (and rigid) as what you describe, and that it took me as long as it did to come to my senses.

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I love tokens for late work! Your story of family-oriented students is powerful, thank you for sharing!

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Very well-said! I used to give participation points for clicker questions, but I stopped after the onset of COVID because, as you implied, these arguments about grading for attendance can also apply to grading for participation.

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